NOTE FOR JAVA PROGRAMMERS: Make sure your code is generally formatted like the example below:
import java.util.*; //imports
public class Main { //make sure your class is public and is named "Main"
public static void main(String[] args) { //main here should be lower case
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
//rest of code
If you have any problems submitting code or have found a bug, please send us an email or contact us through Discord
Good luck and happy programming!
AC: Accepted Answer (Great job!)
WA: Wrong Answer
TLE: Time Limit Exception (Code too slow)
As of right now, there is no support for Memory limit (MLE) or other common verdicts on online judges. However there are still memory limits for the judge.
GWCJ is open source! This means that you can contribute to GWCJ too.
If you want to add a problem to GWCJ, email or contact us with:
We'll be happy to add your problem to the site!
If you want to contribute code to GWCJ, email or contact us with your idea for contribution, or for something to work on.
Little side note: Sorry for not supporting C++ submissions, we know it's a super popular language for competitive programming but Heroku (hosting service) does not have built in C/C++ support or compilers. It also does not allow us to run pre-compiled files either. The best we can do is settle for just having a C judge.